Wednesday, February 15, 2006


As I expected, the news was not good on the scales Tuesday. 343.1. Ouch! But, that's what I get for eating too much and not working out.

It is hard to get back into the good eating habit. I did poorly yesterday, and just so-so today. My goal is GOOD for tomorrow.

The working out is back on track, though. Went to class Monday. Hips and thighs, with some abs thrown in for good measure. I am so sore. I did 20 (!) minutes on the elliptical on Tuesday. Took today off, and will do either elliptical or treadmill tomorrow, and class on Friday.

Valentine's Day was lovely. Sean brought me roses, balloons and my favorite gum at work. And he bought me a book, Blue Like Jazz, that is overdue from the library, so now I can finally return theirs!

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