Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Down to 340.2! WooHoo! That's a total of 11 lbs. I really didn't expect much when I got on the scales today; maybe just to be back where I was before my binge week. What a surprise!

I really saw how hard it was to get back on track after binging for so long. A meal here or there isn't too bad, say once a week or so. But after a whole week, it would have been very easy to chuck it all. I just gotta keep at it.

Did the elliptical today for 15 minutes. I'm gonna bump it up to 20 next week. May or may not go to class tomorrow. Thursday elliptical again, and class on Friday.

I'm trying to get my oatmeal in each day; I maybe get 4 out of 7 days a week. Some people at church mentioned fish oil capsules can help raise good cholesterol and lower bad, so I'm gonna try that.

My Mom is getting hooked up w/my brother-in-law's wireless internet (he lives across the street from her). So she'll finally get to see this sight. That will be cool.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Been a few days since I've had time to blog. Been a bad few days, eating-wise, too. I ate too much Friday, too much Saturday, and too much Monday, resulting in a 3 lb weight gain. 346.2 today. Yesterday, too. But I weighed again today to see if it had come off since I ate better yesterday. Like 1 day is going to undo 3 or 4 days damage. But on the good side, I did get in some cardio on Monday. We went to Casino Aztar, and the poker room is on the 1st level. So every time I had to go to the bathroom, I would go up at least 1 flight of stairs and go to the bathroom at the opposite end of the boat. I did 5 flights of stairs (not all at once). And, the stairs did not seem as hard as the last time I was there. I haven't done the stairs at work lately, since my back has been spasming. Hopefully, they'll seem easier soon, too. They are kinda steep, and I think that's why the are still pretty hard. And I'm always carrying stuff.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Had my annual doctor's appointment yesterday. Dr. Andreasen was happy with my weight loss, but my cholesterol is up where he is thinking about treating it medically. I do not want to treat it medically. So I'm eating oatmeal every day for the next 3 months, when we will check it again. I think with the working out and eating better, it will come down.

The drug rep brought lasagna(!) for lunch today. I was counting on her for her usual grilled chicken and side. I had one piece, and one piece of garlic bread. No salad. The portions must have been okay, because I was hungry by 3:30. I did have a nice salad for supper, with chicken and eggs and a little bacon and a few croutons, and fat free French and ranch dressing. If you haven't tried the French/ranch combo, you should.

Today was a day off from working out. I'll go to class again tomorrow. And I have to remember to stretch before bed tonight. I wake up feeling so much better when I do.

Monday, January 16, 2006


I did well with eating over the week-end. Week-ends are always a challenge. I made some really good chicken noodle soup on Saturday. Fat free broth, mushrooms, carrots, celery, zucchini, chicken & noodles. Nummy, and low fat. I did have a couple of big hunks of French bread w/real butter.

Sunday, I had pizza twice. But each time, I was very careful to eat only 2 slices. That seems to be a "normal" sized portion. I ate slowly, and really enjoyed it.

Today, about 15 points as of the end of work. We're having pork chops and broccoli, carrots, pasta & cheese sauce. It's a prepackaged Green Giant thing. It doesn't have too much fat per serving (4g) considering the cheese sauce.

Did legs, back and chest at the fitness center today. Then, Sean & I went for a walk after work for about 15 minutes at Deming Park. Good way to relax after a "challenging yet rewarding" day at work.

My boss noticed that I looked like I'm losing weight thru my torso today, and asked me about it. Yay!

Friday, January 13, 2006


Well, today sure started out like Friday the 13th. I got up late (nothing unusual about that) and rushed out the catch the bus. In the rain. With my umbrella. The bus got railroaded (nothing unusual about that in Terre Haute, either). Got on my second bus. It got railroaded, and the train stopped. Late once already this week because of the bus, I decided to walk, even though it was raining, so that I would be on time. It was about this time that I realized I left my umbrella on the first bus. The second bus driver called the first, and he'll keep it for me until Tuesday. In the meantime, I had to walk 6 blocks in the rain. It wasn't raining hard, but it was annoying. And then Friday mornings at work are just hectic. 6 or 7 docs are in at once, and it is just busy. And now we have a girl going to the south office everyday, so we are down one person. And we don't have a medical records girl, so one of the 4 girls left is in the back a lot. And I messed up an appointment. But oh well. The day got better.

Back on track today. Made (mostly) good eating choices, and worked out. Went to tone & tighten at lunch. We did biceps, triceps, inner and outer thighs and abs. And even though the evil loaded baked potato mashed potatoes were left-over in the break room, I chose to eat the orange I brought instead. I had too many meatballs tonight when we made meatball sandwiches. But, they were turkey, so not as bad as they could have been. Still definitely need to work on portion and impulse control.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


I ate WAY too much today. We had a drug rep lunch at work today. But Sean and I were going out for lunch, so it wasn't so bad, at first. I did have 1 spoonful of wonderful loaded baked potato mashed potatoes. We went to George's for lunch, and I had a gyro and 1/2 an order of fries. I had 1 cookie from the lunch when I got back to the office. Not so bad. I'm sure I blew my points out of the water, but I was controlling my portions. I figured we'd go for a walk after work, and I'd have a salad for dinner.

Then it came time for my afternoon snack. And instead of something sensible, like the oatmeal or orange I brought to work for just such an occasion, I got another (big) spoonful of potatoes, and some pasta salad. Pretty much filled up a dinner plate. I was miserable afterwards, physically and emotionally. I have done so well for a week and a half, and I blew it today. I want to remember that feeling, both of being too full and being disappointed in myself. I need to make that work for me. My body seems to be getting used to frequent, smaller meals. That much, and that many carbs all at once was not a good thing.

We did go for a walk after work, at Collett Park. Not real long, 15 or 20 minutes, but up and moving none the less. And it was so nice to see the sun today. We saw 3 squirrels, too.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


One week of "good". Weighed today...down 3 pounds for the week! 344.4. WooHoo!
I measured, too, and I'm down 7.9 inches total since October. And down 7 pounds total since November.

I felt so skinny today! I know you can't see 3 pounds on someone my size, but it felt good. And made me want to work out. Normally, I just tolerate it. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical. My mp3 player made it go much faster. It took a little better than 4 songs for 15 minutes. I sprinted once during each song, usually for the chorus. And I went backwards once during each song. Tomorrow is a day off from working out. We have a lunch meeting. I'll do cardio Thursday, and class on Friday.

I'm checking into a way to link to a chart of my weight loss and inch loss. I consulted a very web-savvy friend of mine for help. So stay tuned for further developments.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I've done pretty well today. Good breakfast, 6 points. Tried sugar free MDX today, and liked it. It's an energy drink. It seemed to do it's job. Had 2 bowls of Sean's chicken and rice for lunch, which was probably too much. Then had another bowl before church. After church, we had flatbread, hummus an feta cheese. And I had a 100 calorie pack of Chips Deluxe. All in all, not too bad. I should have just had one bowl of the rice. Oh, I had butter on some of the rice, too. I bought some I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray tonight, so I can get that flavor w/o the calories.

Church was good in both services today. I led worship in middle school this morning, and we went to eXchange tonight. The music was AWESOME tonight, and the sermon hit me in several different ways. Mostly, be content with who others are, and be content with who you are. Both of which are a little hard for me sometimes.

I have an adorable kitty kat on the computer desk keeping me company!

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Still on the "good" track. Last night, went w/the girls after work to Charlie's Pub & Grub to celebrate Sandy passing her boards for her LPN. I had 1 drink, diet w/rum and lime. And got the chicken strip basket w/tots. Yes, it was all fried, but it was about portion control. And I ate slowly and savored it. I wanted something sweet when I got home, so I had one of my 100 calorie packs of Chips Deluxe. You really get quite a few cookies in there!

I was craving mayo yesterday. I had 1 tablespoon on my salad, mixed with some Pampered Chef dill mix. It was good, but not nearly enough. So today I bought some reduced fat mayo. I was looking for fat free, hoping that if I mixed stuff w/it it would taste okay, but K-mart didn't have any. Odd. I really don't like much fat free stuff. It tastes plastic-y.

I don't think it is just my influence, but many of the girls at work are going up to the fitness center now. You know, first of the year, want to lose weight. But I'm glad for the companionship, and accountability.

I'm feeling really good about so many "good" days in a row. I know I will indulge again. But getting a week under my belt will make me feel like I can achieve it. It is a good start.

Jimmy John's has been my friend the last few days. Thursday, I got a Vito for dinner, and stayed within my points for the day. Today at lunch, I got a Tuna Club. May exceed my points for the day, but I will be working w/portion control. I should have picked the Sorry Charlie, which has a little less tuna, and no cheese. I found a web site, here, that has point values for tons of stuff, including a lot of restaurants.

No exercise today. Although Sean is usually parking far from the door when we shop. Yesterday I did the tone & tighten class at the fitness center. My hamstrings are paying for it today! But it is a good ache. Next week I'm going back to 4 days a week; Monday and Friday cardio, and Tuesday and Thursday weights.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Another "good" day. Did well with my points, and pretty good with my portions. Still room for improvement, but eating much less.

I weighed today. 347.4. So I pretty much maintained during my New Year's week-end pig out. Which indicates to me that if I eat well, and actually exercise, I will lose weight. Who'd a thunk it?

I did 2 set of (mostly) 15 reps of upperbody weights today. On a couple of the last sets, I could only do 12.

Phil. 4:13 rocks!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


So far, so good today. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical. I stuck to my points during the day, and watched my portions at night. Still room for improvement. I don't need so much butter or so much mayo for my fish. But still, steps in the right direction. I need to acknowledge the bad, and try to fix it, but not fixate on it.

If I really want something else to eat tonight, esp. something sweet, I have some rice cakes. Carmel corn flavor. Don't remember if I like them or not. If not, I'll give them to a girl at work.

Now, this week-end was a different story. I have to stop thinking, I'll do it tomorrow. It is tomorrow. I need to make changes now. I can enjoy food, but I just don't need so much. Food can be part of a celebration, but it doesn't need to be the entire celebration. I need to be "good" on week-ends just like week days. My goal? To string together a week of being "good". Just 1 week of doing what I know is right. Doesn't sound like it should be that hard, huh? But it is. 1 day down, 6 to go.