Tuesday, January 03, 2006


So far, so good today. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical. I stuck to my points during the day, and watched my portions at night. Still room for improvement. I don't need so much butter or so much mayo for my fish. But still, steps in the right direction. I need to acknowledge the bad, and try to fix it, but not fixate on it.

If I really want something else to eat tonight, esp. something sweet, I have some rice cakes. Carmel corn flavor. Don't remember if I like them or not. If not, I'll give them to a girl at work.

Now, this week-end was a different story. I have to stop thinking, I'll do it tomorrow. It is tomorrow. I need to make changes now. I can enjoy food, but I just don't need so much. Food can be part of a celebration, but it doesn't need to be the entire celebration. I need to be "good" on week-ends just like week days. My goal? To string together a week of being "good". Just 1 week of doing what I know is right. Doesn't sound like it should be that hard, huh? But it is. 1 day down, 6 to go.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

** I'm cheering you on!! **