Friday, December 30, 2005


I weighed yesterday. 347.2. It's probably all water, but as long as the numbers are going the right way, I don't care.

Did 10 minutes on the elliptical yesterday. I had worked up to 15 before, but it has been awhile since I had been on it.

Today I bought my lunch instead of taking it. The Coca Moka Cafe upstairs at work has taco salad on most Fridays. I know it is not always going to be easy to count points, so I am working on portion control, too. I had them give me half the chips and meat, just a little cheese, about a tablespoon of sour cream and extra salsa. It was good, and I was satisfied. Then, for supper, I ate way too much at Red Lobster. I did make some good choices, though. I only ate 2 cheddar rolls, I ordered veggies with my lower-calorie fare (lobster chops--YUM-O!),
and brought part of my entree home. I could have done better, and will, but it is definitely a step in the right direction. I need to stop rationalizing so much, and just do it.

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