Thursday, June 19, 2008


Nearly 2 weeks since I last posted; since I determined to lose weight to fit in to the pink Colts shirt. Since I haven't been posting, you can probably guess how I've been doing. Why is it so easy to set a goal, but so difficult to achieve one?

Ten weeks to go. I can still do this.

Ten weeks till football season? ALRIGHT!!!! Even if I don't make my goal, football will soon be back. WooHoo!

Ate way too much today during the day. Did pretty well for dinner, though. We went to a local restaurant, the Saratoga, tonight for "Tapas at the Toga." So I ate small portions at a very leisurely pace. Good company, too, as our friends Chuck and MaryAnn joined us.

Thursday, June 05, 2008



I've been wanting a pink Colts jersey for awhile now. They had them at K-mart tonight, in a ladies 2x. Problem is, a 2x is not big enough for me. I bought it anyway. I'm going to use it for inspiration. My goal is to wear it for the Colts first regular season game, September 7. Which is a Sunday, so I plan to wear it to church that night, too. BTW, although I love Peyton, it is a Bob Sanders jersey. Gotta spread the love around. I'd really love to have a Jeff Saturday or Freddy Keiaho jersey. Maybe after I meet this goal.

3 months. Will I be committed enough to make the change? Will I wait till the last minute and try to do it all at once, like I usually do? That won't work. I'm going to have to make consistent changes to reach this goal. The first thing I'm going to do; tomorrow at work, I will climb at least 3 flights of stairs. I did remember to do a mini-meditation today before I had my morning snack. I slowed down, focused on my breath for several breaths, and assessed how hungry I was, how full I felt, and how satisfied I felt. I need to remember to do that before I eat meals, too.

So anyhow, here are the scary pictures. And yes, I am embarrassed to post them. But I say that this is a place to get real. It doesn't get much more real than this, bay-bee! I figure that most of you reading this love me, and will be kind. (please, at least, fake it.) And if there are any haters lurking out there, well, I don't have time for you. I only have 3 months to reach this goal.

Again, these pics are not for the squeamish. You were warned...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008



Down 1 lb, without even trying much! If I put some effort into it this week, it could be more next week!

Goals for this week: at least 64 oz water a day, smaller portions, and eating more slowly and mindfully. I am going to try to do my meditations from the ISU study at least twice this week.

Monday, June 02, 2008


So what am I doing up at almost 1 am, writing on my blog? Well, I went to bed around 11. I've been staying up too late recently and wanted to go to bed earlier. So I turned in w/the DH. Went to sleep pretty easily. And just woke up a few minutes ago with the leg on the side I was sleeping on asleep. No big deal, right? Just turn over, you'll be fine. Ahh, but not so simple for my addled brain. For some reason, this throws me into a mild panic attack. Not full on, but I can feel the fear washing over me. I won't go into the specifics, because they're not the least bit rational, but I decided lying there in the dark wasn't the best thing to do, so I got up. I'll get on the computer awhile, and maybe watch some tv if I need too. I am really sleepy, though, so I hope I can go back to bed soon. This is the second attack I've had in the last month or so. Neither major, and in each I've been aware of what was going on. But I don't know why they've resurfaced. My fears all involve medical stuff. I know, I'm in the wrong profession. I've been pretty caffeinated this week-end. This whole week, actually. And recently one of my good friends lost her mother. And today, I met a woman much younger than me who is living through the end of a fatal disease. So maybe those things have triggered my obsessions. Whatever it is, I didn't want to lie there in the dark and ruminate. And I WILL NOT go get on WebMD. Sometimes a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

So anyway, I did pretty well with my eating today. Great breakfast, big lunch, too many cocktail weenies wrapped in croissants in green room, but veggies and lots of fruit. Two pieces of pizza and more fruit for dinner after church, and one bite of Sean's cake. Not great, but not too bad. Heavy on the salt, though. Need to be more careful of that, and drink more water.

I'm finally going to community band rehearsal tonight. I practiced some Saturday. I used a different mouth piece with a slightly wider lip; we'll see how that does with stamina. I may switch back to the other. And this will be the first time since college that I've used a double horn. Weighs more. Weight was an issue last year, just because I hadn't played in so long. And that was with a single. So we'll see how it goes. I won't be surprised if I'm sore on Tuesday.

I'm getting pretty sleepy, so we'll try this bed thing again. Wish me luck.