Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Continued my excessive eating on Sunday. So on Monday, I conducted and experiment of sorts, to get my self back on track. I ate oatmeal for breakfast, then had only soup or juice the rest of the afternoon. When I got home from work, I had soup almost immediately, since I was ravenous and cranky. Then I was hungry again in like half an hour. So I had a sandwich and some chips. I still think I did well, and I felt in control most of the time. So if I could be that controlled yesterday, I thought it would help me continue being controlled. I did well today with my eating.

Worked out today on the new piece of equipment at the fitness center. It's the Total Body Arc Trainer by Cybex. You can click on a link to see it in action. I did 20 minutes, and it was a very good work-out. A different motion that the elliptical. It felt like it worked the hips/legs in a different place. I did the manual mode, no incline or resistance. I will defininately do that machine again.

I tried V-8 juice today. I've never liked tomato juice before, but my tastes have changed, and I love tomato soup, so I thought I'd give it a try. It was a little weird at first, but I liked it. I had a 12oz can. 70 calories, no fat. I went to the store after work and got a 6 pack of small cans. 30 calories each. I got the spicy kind. I thought it might be good warm, with my 100 calorie pack of Cheez-Its.

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