Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I kinda accidentally did well today at lunch, then went a little past pleasantly full. I ordered lunch from a pizza joint with the Pulmo drug rep, but had to go to lunch early and didn't know when my order would get here, so I ate from the other drug rep lunch. And I had a reasonable amount, and was satisfied. Then, my other order didn't come in. Which was just as well. But then I ate a little more at the end of my lunch hour. Just because it was there, free, and tasted good. I gotta stop doing that. I'm past full, but not stuffed and uncomfortable. At least, not physically. Mentally, yes. But still, I'm doing better than last week.


The over eating continued in the evening. Had a snack at work I didn't really need. So I didn't snack when I got home from work. But then by the time I made supper, I was too hungry, and ate too much. Plus had quite a bit of salt, which doesn't bode well for my weigh in.

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