Monday, January 21, 2008


Well, I started my ascent on Mt. Marcy today. The fitness center in the building I work at is sponsoring a Climb to Fitness contest. Details are below.

The P.O.B. has 150 steps or “feet” and the Hospital has 128 steps or “feet” in the main stairwell. Participants are to count their steps throughout the day and turn in a weekly log by email or at the front desk of the Fitness Center. The daily log should be in “feet” or steps taken. During this six week program, for every peak you conquer, you will receive a t-shirt with that peak’s name.

Three mountain peaks will represent each level.

Mount Marcy – elevation 5,344 feet
(178 steps daily, 5 days/week for 6 weeks)

Mount Marcy, at 5,344 ft (1,629 m), is the highest mountain in the
Adirondack Mountain Range and the highest point in New York State. It is a popular destination for hikers due to its stature and great views, and the peak can get very crowded in the summer months. The mountain is located in the heart of the Adirondack High Peaks Region in the High Peaks Wilderness Area.

Mount St. Elias – elevation 18,008 feet
(600 steps daily, 5 days/week for 6 weeks)

Mount Saint Elias is the second highest
mountain in both the United States and Canada, being situated on the Alaska and Yukon border. The U.S. side of the mountain is located within Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, while the Canadian side is part of Kluane National Park. It lies about 25 miles (40 km) southwest of Mount Logan, the highest mountain in Canada.

Mount Everest – elevation 29,028 feet
(1040 steps daily, 5 days/week for 6 weeks)

Mount Everest, also called Chomolungma or Qomolangma (
Tibetan: ཇོ་མོ་གླང་མ) or Sagarmatha (Nepali: सगरमाथा) is the highest mountain on Earth, as measured by the height of its summit above sea level. The mountain, which is part of the Himalaya range in High Asia, is located on the border between Nepal and Tibet, China. By the end of the 2006 climbing season there had been 3,050 ascents to the summit by 2,062 individuals, and at least 630 more ascents in 2007. There have been more than 200 deaths on the mountain, where conditions are so difficult that most corpses have been left where they fell; some are visible from standard climbing routes.
I may climb more that the 5344 feet, but I don't think I'll make it to Mt. St. Elias. Still, I figure this will get me off of my butt and back into exercising. Today went pretty well, with 202 steps. We'll see how sore I am tomorrow. I plan to do about 200 steps/day, breaking it up into 2 sessions.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Well, in a day where I have eaten a bit too much, but not as much as this week-end, I have made a few good choices. Right now, as I type, I am sitting on my stability ball. More on that later. Earlier today, I was feeling stressed at work. As usual. But I reminded myself that eating a donut would do nothing to relieve my stress, and would probably just add to it. After lunch, I wanted something sweet. But I just sat there a while, and then I didn't want it anymore. And after dinner tonight, I wanted something sweet. But instead of the chocolate donettes I wanted, I opted for a grape water flavor thingie. I thought about having a skinny cow ice cream sandwich, but I had the grape instead.

I did weigh today. I'm not going to post it. I ate a lot of salty stuff in the last 2 days, and I hope that is some explanation. Technically, Friday is the day I posted my weight, so maybe I'll weigh again then.

So, about this stability ball. I got the Gold's Gym Stayball at WalMart. Nineteen bucks, and I've always wanted one. I looked EVERYWHERE on the box to see if there was a weight restriction. It said for this through that height, but no mention of weight. It also says it is burst resistant. So I'm thinking I'm okay. I get it home and inflate it last night. When I open up the instructions to inflate, found deep within the box in a little bitty bag, it says "not for use by persons over 250 lbs." WHAT!!! Bite my big white a**!!!! If there is a weight restriction, it should be on the OUTSIDE of the box. I decided, what the heck, if it bursts I'm only out $19, so I gave it a shot. And since none of you heard a sonic boom, you can assume it has so far remained intact. I am going to send Gold's Gym an e-mail, though. I'm trying to get fit; make it easier for me, not harder.

So I did 55 crunches on the ball; 25 straight on and 10 toward each side. 15 hamstring curls, where you start with the ball under your calves and roll it up toward your butt, and 5 ball transfers, where you pass the ball from your legs to your arms and over your head and back. It's harder than it sounds, especially after the crunches. I just stretched some, too. My upper abs started getting sore this afternoon, so I must have done something right!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


The devotional I read today addresses depression, but it applies to my eating, too. And is pretty much what we studied in Scale Down. As a man thinks, so he is. (Prov. 23:7). I think that I will never lose the weight. I think that I cannot eat proper, healthy portions of healthy food, so I don’t. Can I really change my thinking?

Lord, help. I want to be healthy and thinner, but I don’t want to do the work. Can you change my attitude, so that I will do the work?

“We allow our minds to drift. We do not take charge of our thinking processes. We are undisciplined mentally. Undisciplined thinking will always flows to our greatest weaknesses. The human mind will always set itself on something! We just have to decide what the setting will be. A mind filled with wrong thinking becomes fertile soil for temptations of all kind.”

My greatest weakness: food. Or really, comfort. The temporary, fleeting comfort that food brings. Why do I trade that for the disappointment that lingers much longer? The dissatisfaction that is pretty much always there? What should I do, where should I turn for that comfort instead? Yes, I know, Jesus. But you can’t usually touch and feel and see and smell him. I need something immediate. Can he be that immediate comfort if I let him? I hope so.

Monday, January 07, 2008


Over-ate from Saturday night all through Sunday. Did better today, though, except for a too-large snack before I left work.

I bought an exercise ball tonight. It looks like a large part of the exercise will be inflating the thing by hand! Since tomorrow is Biggest Loser, I'll inflate/use it then.

Saturday, January 05, 2008



Yes, I am weighing too often. But I really wanted to see that number go down. I will not weigh again until next Wednesday, which is my next official weigh-in day.

Still no exercise, but doing well with no second helpings. And my devotional time, which is really the foundation for everything.

Thursday, January 03, 2008



I did weigh in yesterday, and I was right; it wasn't pretty. I weighed again this morning, and it was no better, so I'm posting it. And I've adjusted my ticker for a new start weight.

I did well in eating yesterday, until I got home. That is my hardest time. I was thinking about it last night, and I don't know if it is that it is so hard not to eat, but that it is so easy to eat. I HAVE to change that. I need to keep myself busy. Yesterday, it was a comfort thing, because I wasn't feeling well. So I should go snuggle w/Sean to get that comfort fix!

I didn't exercise yesterday since I didn't feel well. Still not feeling so well tonight; felt kinda feverish after work, so no exercise. I know, it's just an excuse. But I didn't overeat today, so that is a victory!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Happy New Year!

I have started off the new year trying to do some things right. I did overeat breakfast and lunch, but did really well for dinner. I have drank almost 3 liters of water today, too.

I watched Biggest Loser tonight. I'm rooting for Betty Sue & Ali. And this season, instead of eating (!!!!!) while watching, I am going to work out. I did 3 sets 15 each of bicep curls, overhead triceps extensions, butterflies and overhead shoulder presses, with 10 lb weights. I also did some stretching and 70 crunches.

So, working on the whole small changes add up to big differences principle, my small changes for this week are:

1) no second helpings (sound familiar?)
2) exercise at least 3 times, for at least 20 minutes

I'm trying to be realistic and set achievable goals.

I am going to weigh in tomorrow. It will not be pretty.

I took some Biggest Loser style pictures tonight. They ARE NOT for public consumption. Maybe someday. But for now, they're just for my comparison. I will do measurements, too.