Tuesday, January 08, 2008


The devotional I read today addresses depression, but it applies to my eating, too. And is pretty much what we studied in Scale Down. As a man thinks, so he is. (Prov. 23:7). I think that I will never lose the weight. I think that I cannot eat proper, healthy portions of healthy food, so I don’t. Can I really change my thinking?

Lord, help. I want to be healthy and thinner, but I don’t want to do the work. Can you change my attitude, so that I will do the work?

“We allow our minds to drift. We do not take charge of our thinking processes. We are undisciplined mentally. Undisciplined thinking will always flows to our greatest weaknesses. The human mind will always set itself on something! We just have to decide what the setting will be. A mind filled with wrong thinking becomes fertile soil for temptations of all kind.”

My greatest weakness: food. Or really, comfort. The temporary, fleeting comfort that food brings. Why do I trade that for the disappointment that lingers much longer? The dissatisfaction that is pretty much always there? What should I do, where should I turn for that comfort instead? Yes, I know, Jesus. But you can’t usually touch and feel and see and smell him. I need something immediate. Can he be that immediate comfort if I let him? I hope so.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

What a great post. You have said it all.

I have found, in my personal experience, my best prayer is:
"Lord, I wanna be like Jesus"

It seems so simple--yet, I get so caught up in praying for what I think I need to change that I lose sight of it, often.

Instead of speaking specific qualities I find this prayer covers it all!

Thank you for letting me walk this journey with you. Walking alone sucks!

Love Ya!