Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Well, in a day where I have eaten a bit too much, but not as much as this week-end, I have made a few good choices. Right now, as I type, I am sitting on my stability ball. More on that later. Earlier today, I was feeling stressed at work. As usual. But I reminded myself that eating a donut would do nothing to relieve my stress, and would probably just add to it. After lunch, I wanted something sweet. But I just sat there a while, and then I didn't want it anymore. And after dinner tonight, I wanted something sweet. But instead of the chocolate donettes I wanted, I opted for a grape water flavor thingie. I thought about having a skinny cow ice cream sandwich, but I had the grape instead.

I did weigh today. I'm not going to post it. I ate a lot of salty stuff in the last 2 days, and I hope that is some explanation. Technically, Friday is the day I posted my weight, so maybe I'll weigh again then.

So, about this stability ball. I got the Gold's Gym Stayball at WalMart. Nineteen bucks, and I've always wanted one. I looked EVERYWHERE on the box to see if there was a weight restriction. It said for this through that height, but no mention of weight. It also says it is burst resistant. So I'm thinking I'm okay. I get it home and inflate it last night. When I open up the instructions to inflate, found deep within the box in a little bitty bag, it says "not for use by persons over 250 lbs." WHAT!!! Bite my big white a**!!!! If there is a weight restriction, it should be on the OUTSIDE of the box. I decided, what the heck, if it bursts I'm only out $19, so I gave it a shot. And since none of you heard a sonic boom, you can assume it has so far remained intact. I am going to send Gold's Gym an e-mail, though. I'm trying to get fit; make it easier for me, not harder.

So I did 55 crunches on the ball; 25 straight on and 10 toward each side. 15 hamstring curls, where you start with the ball under your calves and roll it up toward your butt, and 5 ball transfers, where you pass the ball from your legs to your arms and over your head and back. It's harder than it sounds, especially after the crunches. I just stretched some, too. My upper abs started getting sore this afternoon, so I must have done something right!

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