The following was written 9/26:
Down a little bit. We have started a Bible Study group to study a book called Scale Down by Danna Demetre. She has no prescribed eating plan, but emphasises small changes over time that add up and make a change in lifestyle. The cover says "overcome bad habits, energize your lifestyle, renew your spirit, burn fat efficiently and lose weight for life!" Basically, replace your bad habits with good, change the way you think, and burn more calories that you take in. This week, we are working on 3 ways we can decrease the amount we eat, and 3 ways we can increase our activity. I've done better on the activity than the eating. One of my goals is no second helpings, but that is so hard for me. I did manage to achieve it yesterday. My other 2 eating goals are sugar free mints and gum, and more fruits and veggies. I've done better with my physical goals. I have climbed at least 1 flight of stairs each day, I am doing calf raises at the credit card machine, and parking farther away. Our group meets again on Thursday night.
Intentionally, willfully overate last night. But, it was just one meal, and I have not used it as an excuse to overeat today. As a matter of fact, I made a couple of really good choices today in not eating large quantities.
I am finding myself being a little resistant to change. Here's what I wrote in an e-mail to the other Scale Down Chix:
I seem to be finding that I am a little resistant to making changes. I know what is right to do, but am being a bit of a rebellious brat in doing it. But, I think it is probably part of making the changes in mind-set and life-style. I will take a while, but I am confident that God will do it if I let him. He who began a good work in me (us!) will be faithful to complete it.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
(this was all typed 9/19)
UGH! Hopefully it is because I will start my period this week, but I suspect not. I have been feeling more in control of my eating the last few days, except for supper last night. We ate very late, and I was really hungry, so I ate too much. I had a second, huge serving of lasagna. Other than that, I met my goals for yesterday, although I changed a couple of them. I ate 2 servings of fruit, drank 80 oz of water, and worked out. But my knee was sore for some reason, so instead of walking or DDR, I did weights. 3 sets of 15 each of bicep curls, triceps extensions, shoulder press and butterflies. 10 lbs for the bicep and triceps, and 5 for the shoulders and butterflies.
Goals for today: 80 oz of water, NO SECOND HELPINGS, 2 servings of fruit, 4 flights of stairs.
Well, I got in the water, the stairs, and 1 serving of fruit. Had seconds, although split over the course of 3 hours or so, and WAY too much ice cream. Evenings remain my hardest time of the day to not over eat.
See that fish up there going backwards? That's me! :(
Goals for today: 80 oz water, 2 servings fruit, NO SECONDS!!!!!
UGH! Hopefully it is because I will start my period this week, but I suspect not. I have been feeling more in control of my eating the last few days, except for supper last night. We ate very late, and I was really hungry, so I ate too much. I had a second, huge serving of lasagna. Other than that, I met my goals for yesterday, although I changed a couple of them. I ate 2 servings of fruit, drank 80 oz of water, and worked out. But my knee was sore for some reason, so instead of walking or DDR, I did weights. 3 sets of 15 each of bicep curls, triceps extensions, shoulder press and butterflies. 10 lbs for the bicep and triceps, and 5 for the shoulders and butterflies.
Goals for today: 80 oz of water, NO SECOND HELPINGS, 2 servings of fruit, 4 flights of stairs.
Well, I got in the water, the stairs, and 1 serving of fruit. Had seconds, although split over the course of 3 hours or so, and WAY too much ice cream. Evenings remain my hardest time of the day to not over eat.
See that fish up there going backwards? That's me! :(
Goals for today: 80 oz water, 2 servings fruit, NO SECONDS!!!!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Goals for today: 80 oz water, no second helpings, 4 flights of stairs, a banana and some applesauce. All met except the water, and that will be met before I go to bed.
My friend Kim did the stairs with me. I had to stop twice, but that is just fine. The sad part is that I was a little sore this morning from my short walk yesterday!
Goals for tomorrow: 80 oz water, no second helpings, a banana, applesauce, 20 minute walk or 20 minutes of DDR.
My friend Kim did the stairs with me. I had to stop twice, but that is just fine. The sad part is that I was a little sore this morning from my short walk yesterday!
Goals for tomorrow: 80 oz water, no second helpings, a banana, applesauce, 20 minute walk or 20 minutes of DDR.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I finally watched the first ep of Biggest Loser that I had dvr'ed last night. And inspired by it, I made some goals for today. I have: walked for 20 minutes, eaten 2 servings of fruit, and had no secondhelpings. I am 60 oz into my 80 oz of water, and will have Sean help me do my measurements later tonight. That will get everything on my list accomplished. I'll make a new list for tomorrow. Two things that will remain consistent are 80 oz of water and no second helpings.
Friday, September 14, 2007
My friends MaryAnn and Chuck came over last night, and we did DDR. We had a ball! I figure I danced for 15-20 minutes all together. Not a lot, but more exercise than most nights.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pretty much the same as last week. I'm okay with that. The scales I weigh on back in the endo department were digital; today they had been replace by traditional doctor's scales. I don't really think that made any difference in my weight.
We mowed the yard yesterday, so I did get some exercise. I may be doing DDR with girlfriend tomorrow night. Yeah, I know I could do it by myself, but honestly, I probably won't.
On a completely different subject, I made a FABULOUS cover for my wrist rest at work. My skin kinda stuck to it, so I got this gorgeous silky fabric in the remnant bin at Hobby Lobby. I had some left over, so I made 2 memo boards for my walls. Really brightens up the horse stall! (If you saw my office, you'd understand. The desks are set up for patient privacy. Privacy isn't achieved, but we feel like we have stalls.)

PS--My girlfriend Shauna sent me the "Smart is the new Skinny" magnet for one of my 40th b-day presents. Love it!!!!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Not as hideous as I expected. And I've made pretty good food choices for most of the day. Perhaps not the most nutritious, but portion-wise, pretty good.
Not as hideous as I expected. And I've made pretty good food choices for most of the day. Perhaps not the most nutritious, but portion-wise, pretty good.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Last night I read a scripture that rocked my world.
8-10 "'But they rebelled against me, wouldn't listen to a word I said. None got rid of the vile things they were addicted to. They held on to the no-gods of Egypt as if for dear life. I seriously considered inflicting my anger on them in force right there in Egypt. Then I thought better of it. I acted out of who I was, not by how I felt. And I acted in a way that would evoke honor, not blasphemy, from the nations around them, nations who had seen me reveal myself by promising to lead my people out of Egypt. And then I did it: I led them out of Egypt into the desert.
Ezekiel 20:8-10, The Message
I acted out of who I was, not by how I felt. WOW! If I can get a handle on that verse, and actually live it out, it is going to make a difference not only in my eating, but my entire life. I'm a little hesitant to post this on here, because I try so many things and fail. But at least I'm trying. I haven't given up. And by posting here I can have some accountability.
I want to do some further study inspired by this verse. I'm going to research who I am in Christ; list some scriptures to remind myself of who I am and to whom I belong. And I do want to act in a way that brings honor to the God I claim to serve.
So, all that being said, I paid more attention to my eating today, and did will most of the day, except for a too large afternoon snack. But progress, not perfection. I certainly did better that yesterday. I will weigh in tomorrow, and I expect to be horrified by the results. But I'll post them anyhow.
8-10 "'But they rebelled against me, wouldn't listen to a word I said. None got rid of the vile things they were addicted to. They held on to the no-gods of Egypt as if for dear life. I seriously considered inflicting my anger on them in force right there in Egypt. Then I thought better of it. I acted out of who I was, not by how I felt. And I acted in a way that would evoke honor, not blasphemy, from the nations around them, nations who had seen me reveal myself by promising to lead my people out of Egypt. And then I did it: I led them out of Egypt into the desert.
Ezekiel 20:8-10, The Message
I acted out of who I was, not by how I felt. WOW! If I can get a handle on that verse, and actually live it out, it is going to make a difference not only in my eating, but my entire life. I'm a little hesitant to post this on here, because I try so many things and fail. But at least I'm trying. I haven't given up. And by posting here I can have some accountability.
I want to do some further study inspired by this verse. I'm going to research who I am in Christ; list some scriptures to remind myself of who I am and to whom I belong. And I do want to act in a way that brings honor to the God I claim to serve.
So, all that being said, I paid more attention to my eating today, and did will most of the day, except for a too large afternoon snack. But progress, not perfection. I certainly did better that yesterday. I will weigh in tomorrow, and I expect to be horrified by the results. But I'll post them anyhow.
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