Thursday, September 20, 2007


(this was all typed 9/19)


UGH! Hopefully it is because I will start my period this week, but I suspect not. I have been feeling more in control of my eating the last few days, except for supper last night. We ate very late, and I was really hungry, so I ate too much. I had a second, huge serving of lasagna. Other than that, I met my goals for yesterday, although I changed a couple of them. I ate 2 servings of fruit, drank 80 oz of water, and worked out. But my knee was sore for some reason, so instead of walking or DDR, I did weights. 3 sets of 15 each of bicep curls, triceps extensions, shoulder press and butterflies. 10 lbs for the bicep and triceps, and 5 for the shoulders and butterflies.

Goals for today: 80 oz of water, NO SECOND HELPINGS, 2 servings of fruit, 4 flights of stairs.



Well, I got in the water, the stairs, and 1 serving of fruit. Had seconds, although split over the course of 3 hours or so, and WAY too much ice cream. Evenings remain my hardest time of the day to not over eat.

See that fish up there going backwards? That's me! :(

Goals for today: 80 oz water, 2 servings fruit, NO SECONDS!!!!!

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