Saturday, November 10, 2007


(this first section is from 11/9)

I'm going to bunco tonight. Dice game played by a bunch of women. An excuse to get together and gab and eat. And I want to eat. A lot. Everyone brings nummy snacks. And usually, I eat a ton. But tonight, despite my desires, I'm going to make a plan to limit my eating. The hostess wants to limit hers, too. We are each only going to have one plate of snacks. I'm going to eat a snack right after work, so I won't be starving at bunco. At bunco, I'm only going to get the things I really love. I am going to eat them slowly, not gobble them down. Small bites. I may stop and get some decaf coffee on the way, and some flavored syrup. And I'll take skim milk to put in it. If not, I'll take a big water bottle, so I can fill up on that. This is not what I want to do. I want to stuff myself. But I have to start making some better choices. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I am going to climb 4 flights of stairs at lunch, and do 30 wall push-ups and some calf raises on the stairs. I already did 10 push-ups back at the endo desk. It was lower, and harder to do the push-ups.

(flash forward to today)

Well, I met my goal half-way. I did the work-out I intended to do. I ate before bunco, and had 1 plate of snacks at the beginning that I ate slowly and thoroughly enjoyed. I drank 2 bottles of water. But, at the end of the night, I ate too much taco dip with crackers. Still, an improvement from when I normally eat all night.

Today has pretty much been a cheat day. Oh well. Back on track, not tomorrow, but starting right now.

1 comment:

Rae said...

Good Job even though you had too much dip you also did what you set out to do so that is a plus I am sure that dip was probably better then a carton of Ice cream or something good luck