Saturday, December 09, 2006


Had a good work out this morning. Did 30 minutes on the cross trainer on the weight loss program. I like going up on Saturday mornings. It gets me up and going, and I like not having to go back to work afterwards. It's not rushed. I do like working out in the middle of the work day too, though. It is a great stress relief for bad days, and energizing to boot.

Yesterday I did 20 minutes on the elliptical, on a program that alternated really low and extremely high intensity. The high intensity part really kicked my butt!

Eating today has been okay. Not great, not terrible. No huge splurges. I did manage to eat a piece of fruit today. My goal for the next week or so is to eat at least 1 serving of fruit and 1 serving of veggies each day. Veggies besides potatoes, that is. I don't eat enough fruit or veggies. Once I get the one serving down, I'll increase it.

I've been reading some other blogs, and it is nice to see how normal I am. I'm not the only one who rewards a good eating day with eating. Kinda counter-productive, I know. But at least I'm not the only one with that struggle. Or who eats for any reason; happy, sad, bored, excited, whatever. A lot of us seem to struggle with the same things. I tend to think that I'm entitled to eat a lot. Well, then, I'm entitled to be fat! I need to start thinking that I'm entitled to be healthy and meet my goals.

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