Tuesday, January 16, 2007



Down 2.6 lbs from last week. WooHoo! Yes, I weighed in a day early, but I had a good feeling. And I was right. Yay!

Haven't done my crunches and stretching yet, but will before I go to bed.

Had a nice lunch with my friend Kim today. A drug rep brought in lunch: salad, chicken tortellini with A LOT of cheese, and some sort of berry cobbler, and rolls. I filled up most of my plate with salad, and had just one good-sized serving spoon full of the chicken tortellini. No cobbler or rolls. I tried to put my fork down between each bite, and did so most of the time. I drank a lot of water, too.


l said...

Way to go! It's nice to see a reward when you know you've made some good choice and it helps reinforce those decisions.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Keep up the good work- you can do it. Now I need to start doing better-would help my legs.
Love, Mom

Shauna said...

I love the plate full of salad method! I have been meaning to try it but you can tell from my hips and butt that I haven't done it yet! Love Ya!