Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Sorry it's been so long. It's been a busy week.

We had our Chix retreat for ladies from church this weekend at the Brown County Inn in Nashville, IN. It was great! Very refreshing. I didn't eat real carefully, though. Nor did I eat carefully when I got home Saturday night, or Sunday while watching the Colts beat the Patriots, or Monday, for that matter. Today was much better. But, taking all that into consideration, I don't have high hopes for tomorrow's weigh-in. I just kinda went on auto-pilot, and didn't exercise any control. So, I'll probably reap what I sowed.

Back to working out yesterday. I rolled my ankle Sunday while cleaning the snow off the Explorer, and it still hurt yesterday, so I did a weight work-out. Today I did 20 minutes on the elliptical on the interval program. Tomorrow will be class or something aerobic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don’t beat yourself up over what you consider was a lack of self control. Remember it's a process, and part of the process is knowing that you’re not going to be perfect every day. I know you will eventually succeed and be a stronger, healthier person.