Wednesday, January 24, 2007



I was NOT expecting an (almost) 3lb loss when I got on the scales this morning. I was actually expecting a gain, but hoping for a push. But I was wildly surprised. It must be the working out; I know my eating wasn't very good for 3 days in a row. Very cool.

What was not so cool is my blood sugar. I've periodically been testing my fasting blood sugar. Today it was 147 or so. Not good. I tested it again about 2 hours after breakfast, and it was 176. Which isn't too bad if you're diabetic, but since I'm not, it was lousy. I'm headed in the right direction: eating smaller portions, exercising, losing weight. But my favorite foods are carbohydrates. And I need to eat less and better of them. Sean's blood sugar is bad too; he has an appointment to see the doctor about it next month. So I'm going to start working on healthier choices, and hope that my choices will influence his.

Speaking of influencing one another, Sean did me a big favor last night. At dinner, I asked if he would get me some more potato chips (see, carbs; yummy!). He said no. More chips would not get me to 40 by 40. And he was right. And I needed that voice of reason right then. I told him several times that he was right and that I was grateful. I'm responsible for my own choices, but it is nice to have help when you need it.

I did 20 minutes on the cross trainer on the weight loss program today. I'll probably do weights again tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See- you can do it! You're doing better than I am. I'm always too tired to exercise-or that's my excuse. Love, mom