Monday, April 16, 2007


After a REALLY busy week last week, I took today off work. Slept in till 10. GLORIOUS!!!!!

Set off this morning to be more intentional and careful about my eating, and so far so good. Although, I've only been up for for a little over 3 hours. Didn't eat everything on my plate for lunch, and had a fat-free pudding cup for dessert. We are having our "daughter" Amber over for dinner tonight, and I will eat some ice cream and a brownie for dessert, but I will limit my consumption of both.

Later this afternoon, we are going for a walk. The weather is nice again now. A little cool, but bright and sunny.

I'm going to drink a lot of water today, too. So far I've had two 25 oz bottles. I've just had the desire to eat continuously lately, and I think drinking lots of water should help fill me up so I can't.

Last night's sermon was about surrender. How many times have I surrendered my eating to God, and then taken it back again? Don't suppose I can count that high. But, I'm giving it a shot again. I can't do this on my own, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (I Cor. 4:13)

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