Friday, May 18, 2007


A little progress, a little regression today. And I choose to be okay with that.

Had a REALLY nummy breakfast souffle thingie from Panera this morning. Could have eaten more than one, but I was full, so I didn't need too. Then, while walking past the break room to go to the bathroom, saw all the delicious free food sitting there. More souffles, bagels, fruit and stuff. But I wasn't hungry. So while in the bathroom, I prayed (I do a lot of my prayer there--quiet, solitary--God knows what I'm in there for, so I figure he doesn't care where I'm at!) to resist the food, and eat again when I was full. And I did resist! Yay me! When I was hungry again, I did have 1/2 a souffle. I had salad for lunch, and stopped when I was full, instead of eating it all because it is a "good" food. And since I wanted something sweet to finish the meal, I had fruit instead of some gooey breakfast thing still leftover. Reasonable snack after work, too.

Now to the regression. It was really busy and stressful at work today, and I even said out loud that I'd like to binge, because of the stress. But I decided (also said out loud) that I could still make good choices. Good to start with. But then for supper, I made spaghetti and turkey meatballs. The bad part was the ENTIRE loaf of garlic bread I ate. We stopped at a local spaghetti shop and got 2 loaves of their garlic bread to go with dinner; 1 for each of us. I knew I shouldn't have, but wanted it so I did it anyway.

2/3rds of the day was full of good choices. That is progress, and I will continue with my progress. I can't break 39 years of bad habits in a couple of weeks. But I will break them, in time and with God's help. Again, I choose to be okay with today.

(Okay, I just looked at the nutritional info for the souffle I had. UGH! But fat make food taste good, and it was DELICIOUS!)


Vashta Narada said...

You're doing the right thing by focusing on the things that went RIGHT and forgiving yourself for your "regression."

This is all about progress. For some people that means decreasing their binges from seven days a week to two. For others it means weighing themselves once a week instead of three times a day.

This process takes time and patience and won't be perfected overnight. In fact, with IE you're never expected to be perfect at all!

You're doing a great job. Hope work calms down for you!

BigAssBelle said...

it sounds like you had a great day ~ so much positive and i agree with andrea, focus on that because you accomplished a lot.

how wonderful that you recognized being full and passed up things that were tempting for taste alone.

isn't it amazing that our bodies actually will tell us when they've had enough?

Anonymous said...

It sounds as if you are doing better. I'm proud of you. We went to Silver Moon tonite and I ate way past full-but it is so nice to get to go out to eat again! Keep up the good work.
Love, mom