Friday, March 16, 2007


Weighed in at 331.8 yesterday morning. After eating breakfast at home. That felt a little better. I want to try to get back to at least 329.1 by next Wednesday; hopefully below.

My doctor's nurse called me Tuesday. Since my cholesterol was still too high, he wants me to make an appointment to discuss treatment options. My first reaction was to get all huffy and think "I'm not going to take statin drugs." But once I calmed down, I will go ahead and make the appointment. I still don't want to take statins, but that's not the only option, and I don't even know that that's what he'll want me to do. I haven't been faithful to my fish oil/oatmeal routine, so I am going to try to be more so. I don't like the fishy burps I get
from the fish oil caps, so once I'm out of this bottle I'm going to switch to flax seed oil. Sean's going to take it, too.

Did weights yesterday at lunch. Today will be something aerobic, either in the gym, or outside if it is not too cold/raining.

Eating went better yesterday. Overate a little at dinner, but otherwise, pretty good. And I did eat my oatmeal and take 2 doses of fish oil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you!! i know how hard it is. Just keep on keepin on
Love, Mom