Monday, February 19, 2007


Didn't do so great with my eating over the week-end. I did manage to climb 5 flights of stairs, one flight at a time, at Casino Aztar Saturday. Anytime I had to go to the bathroom, I made myself go up at least one level.

Starting today, I'm working on limiting my simple carbohydrate consumption. I eat way too many, and need to change that. Had an english muffin with breakfast, then no simple carbs till my snack after work. Potato chips. But, about all that was left in the bag was 1 serving, so at least my portion size was good! Although the portion of queso I ate with it was not so controlled. Had rice w/dinner, but, again, an appropriate portion. My eating goal for tomorrow is to make a better snack choice after work.

Didn't work out today. I went to a doctor's appointment with Sean, and just took a 1/2 hour lunch to make up for some of the time I missed. I will do some sort of cardio tomorrow.

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