Wednesday, February 14, 2007

5 Things you didn't know about me

I was just reading through my friend Wendy's blog, and realized that she tagged me to post 5 things you didn't know about me. So here they are:

1) I used to be a D.J. I started at a country station in my home town of Casey, IL, and progressed to WPFR in Terre Haute in my last year or so of college (1989). Back in the day, PFR was THE station in Terre Haute. It's part of how I met my husband.

2) I have 2 tattoos. A treble clef with some tribal stuff above and below, on my right hip just below the pantie line, and 2 treble clefs (see a theme here?) mirror-imaging each other, with some tribal-looking musical notes to either side, on the small of my back.

3) I tried out for Jeopardy. Missed by one. (That's what Alex tells you to say in his video-taped message.) I'll try out again someday.

4) John Travolta was my first crush.

5) I LOVE Barry Manilow!

So now, I'll tag Shauna, Scot, & Jack.


Anonymous said...

what's with the cherry stem??!! Very interesting!!-love, mom-LOL

Jen said...

The cherry stem thing may have been TMI, so I've changed #4.