Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Well, the detox went well during the day. I had a bit of a headache, but that may have been from the weather. We got 4 or 5 inches of snow. Which, as a side note, resulted in me getting some exercise in. Since it was a light, fluffy snow, I shoveled (more pushed) our front walk, and the neighbor's walks on either side. I was rewarded with stickers from my neighbor girls! And I did a path through our back yard to the drive. Didn't take long, but did work up a little sweat.

So, by the time I got home from work and got the shovelling done, I was STARVING. I had 2 big bowls of chili, with too much cheese and sour cream. I ate way past full; it just tasted so good. I have to break that habit. It is just a habit. I need to slow down, and stop when I'm full.

I read some more of my eating mindfully book at lunch today, and I hope I can apply some of the techniques from it.

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