Thursday, October 12, 2006

10/12/06 - g


Well, the stuff offered in the beta version finally seems to be working. I was able to add a new link to my lists of links; my friend Shauna's blog counting down her progress toward doing the Mini in May. And the link thingy is working, too, as evidenced above. Cool.

Yesterday, did 30 minutes cardio for the first time. 15 minutes on the treadmill; max incline 1, max speed 2.8. 15 minutes on the bike. That was all my butt could endure. Today, 30 minutes of cardio again. 20 minutes on the cross trainer and 10 minutes on the bike. On the cross trainer, I used the arms occasionally and sprinted (for me) to a few songs. Tomorrow I plan on going to tone and tighten, if anyone is teaching. If not, I'll do weights.

I've lost 1.2 lb since last week. Not as much as I would have liked, but down none the less. I have set an ambitious goal for next week. 2.2 lbs. That way I'll be at an even 340. I realized after I set that goal that I'll be starting my period at the end of the week, and that could affect the outcome. Oh well. Better to set a goal and miss than not set any goals at all. I suppose I could be building some muscle, too, but since it's not quite been 2 weeks, I don't know how much that would affect my weight yet.

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