Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I am not looking forward to my weigh-in tomorrow. I ate too much tonight. Not a ton, but too much none the less. And I know exactly why I did it. I was very tired, and vulnerable to overeating. I prayed about it, but didn't really wait or look for an answer. So we'll see what the scales have to say tomorrow.

I did 30 minutes of cardio today. 20 minutes on the treadmill. Max speed 2.8, max incline 2. And 10 minutes on the bike. The 30 minutes is getting easier. I'm still sick, though. Getting to the coughing-up stage now. Fun. And it made it a little hard to breathe on the treadmill for a little bit. I've had the cold almost a week now, so hopefully it will be gone in another week.

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